Writer: Joël Le Pavous
Info Journaliste et fixeur en #Hongrie • Vigie @courrierinter • Correspondant @slatefr, @LeTelegramme, @LeTemps, @Europe1 • Auteur Dictionnaire insolite @Cosmopole.
Writer - Barnabás Tóth
country - Hungary
Cast - Barnabás Horkay
1hour 23 M.
Bertrand (Vincent Lindon) dutifully visits his terminally ill wife every day, braving the long train and bus ride to and from the hospital. Lorraine (Emmanuelle Devos) not so willingly visits her boyfriend who was diagnosed with colon cancer. They bump into each other during one of their visits and begin to meet for coffee. Coffee turns into Lorraine offering to drive Bertrand to the train station and the two turn to each other in their time of grief and confusion.
Vincent Lindon,
Emmanuelle Devos,
Yeelem Jappain,
Anne Le Ny,
Grégoire Oestermann,
Christine Murillo,
Ophélia Kolb,
Apolline Bouissières,
Agathe Bouissières,
Frédéric Rose,
Runtime: 93 min
Release: 2007
6. 9 out of
Views: 135
Content Rating: N/A
Quality: DVD.
Én azt nem értem, hogy mi a halálért lett Kszi, Simon, ha az erdeti címe az az, hogy Love, Simon? 😳. Minden negatív kommentet törölnek, ami nekik nem tetszik. Mások hitét sértő film. Én nem szoktam beletaposni a nem keresztény emberekbe mint ez a film teszi a keresztényekkel. Szomorú, hogy nektek ez a demokrácia. Akik itthon maradtak film. Akik maradtak download. Akik maradtak imdb. Akik maradtak könyv. Akik itt maradtak film. Akik maradtak magyar film. Akik maradtak magyar előzetes. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. If you feel sick, stay home and call 514-644-4545 for advice. In a medical emergency, call 911. To centralize discussion on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as it relates to McGill, we are using this megathread. All other coronavirus posts that do not make substantial new contributions to the subreddit will be removed. We understand that this is an anxious time for everyone, but please remember that the world is not ending tomorrow. We're going to get through this together. Stay healthy, stay sane, and continue to check your McGill email for updates. Questions and concerns should be directed to, but do not send the communications staff abusive messages. Finally, disinformation, fearmongering, and xenophobia are not vaccines. Please check your sources, be reasonable, and (obviously) don't be racist. Violators will be banned. Classes, exams, and assignments have resumed online as of March 30, and will end on April 14. Online or take-home finals will be completed by April 30. Course grading schemes may have been changed to increase the weight of assessments that have already been completed. Instructors should have informed you of all changes by March 24. If not, contact the department chair. If you cannot write your exams, you may receive a deferral or a K (incomplete) grade, which does not count against your GPA. Subject to some restrictions, you may also withdraw from any course until April 15, and change any course—including program requirements—to the S/U option until May 22. Contact an adviser if you are unsure about a particular situation. Summer courses will proceed online. Graduating students will receive their degrees on time, but convocation ceremonies are cancelled. All McGill activities are cancelled until June 5. Campus buildings—including libraries, labs, and athletic facilities—are closed until at least May 1. At least one student has tested positive for COVID-19, as well as several people at The Neuro. There is evidence of community transmission in Montreal. Most businesses are closed until at least April 13, and the police have been authorized to break up all gatherings of people. Stay at home, except to buy food and medicine. Keep up with local measures here. If you test positive for COVID-19, complete the anonymous self-declaration form on Minerva. Information about financial aid is available here. The last question is especially relevant to students who cannot afford resources for online-only instruction. The wellness hub and other student services have been moved online as much as possible. SSMU services have suspended operation. Overdue library books will not accrue fines. The outdoor book drop under the McLennan-Redpath walkway is still accepting returns. Residences remain open, but those who wish to leave may break their leases by emailing their departure date to. McGill does not have the legal power to forcibly evict students on short notice. The New Residence and Carrefour Sherbrooke cafeterias are open, serving takeout orders only. The Mac campus shuttle has stopped running as of March 25. All student travel and exchanges are cancelled. Employees continue to be paid, and should contact their supervisors for more instructions about remote work. Video updates posted by McGill administration March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 Much of the information below has been adapted from /u/brianthelionn 's previous megathread. Many thanks for all of their hard work maintaining it! Symptoms and treatment of COVID-19 COVID-19 is the respiratory infection caused by the novel (new) coronavirus which originated in December in Wuhan, China. It is part of a family of viruses that includes SARS and MERS. Other possible symptoms include muscle aches, nasal congestion, a runny nose, a sore throat, or diarrhea. However, some cases are totally asymptomatic, while remaining contagious. Symptoms can develop up to 14 days from the date of infection, with an average incubation period of 5 to 6 days. Around 80% of cases are considered mild, and can generally be treated at home by resting, staying hydrated, and taking medication to reduce fever as needed. However, more severe cases may require hospitalization. If you have difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Steps to take The virus spreads through tiny droplets that travel through the air when we cough and sneeze. When these land on our hands or other shared surfaces like doorknobs and tables, others can pick up the virus. Accordingly, you should: Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer should only be used in the absence of soap. Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow, and when you use a tissue, immediately dispose of it and wash your hands. Don't touch your face with unwashed hands! This is the number one way to become infected. Disinfect your phone screen, laptop keyboard, and any other surfaces you frequently use. Practice social distancing by remaining at home. When you do make essential trips outside, stay at least 2 metres (6 feet) away from others. Leave masks for those who need them: sick or immunocompromised people, and those who spend time around them, such as health workers. A mask provides little protection if you're just walking around outside, and chances are you wouldn't be wearing it correctly. Make contingency plans with your family, roommates, friends, and/or neighbours, such as to go shopping for one another if someone is required to quarantine. How serious is this? This is a serious situation and significantly worse than the seasonal flu. The virus's overall mortality rate is unknown because many cases are not tested and confirmed, but it the WHO estimates it to be about 2. 5–3. 5%. This rate also increases if the healthcare system becomes so overwhelmed that some cases cannot be treated. In general, the global situation has become more severe over the past month. Again, the world is not coming to an end, but it's important to pay attention to the situation and follow the guidelines in place. We've seen what has been happening in countries that were highly proactive (like South Korea) vs. countries that were less so (like the United States). Just because you may be young and healthy, you aren't in the clear. While most deaths have been among older people and those with existing health problems such as a compromised immune system, some younger people have also become badly ill, and regardless, you do not want to spread the virus to more vulnerable populations. Resources Official Media Other McGill website CBC News Case tracker and map World Health Organization The New York Times "Flatten the curve" Public Health Agency of Canada The Guardian "Why you must act now" Santé Québec The Toronto Star "Why fighting the coronavirus depends on you" Direction régionale de santé publique (Montreal) Le Devoir Coronavirus simulator We also have a dedicated #coronavirus channel in the McGill Discord server, if you want a place to chat about what's going on more generally.
Akik maradtak film. Annyira helyes Simon😍 Nagyon édes film, alig várom hogy lássam. Remélem lesz benne csók.💗. Örvény (2019) Available Hollywood Movies Online »»». Mi a büdös faszért nem lehet megnézni angoat nélkül. Hannah ❤. Akik maradtak 2019. Ha bárkinek baja van ezzel a fantasztikus, vicces, érzelmekkel teli és fontos mondanivalóval bíró filmmel, NE nézze meg. Ennyi emberek.
Akik maradtak kritika. Tisztelet. Jó munka. VÉGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mondjuk a könyvet jobban preferáltam. <3. COMING SOON OPENS June 12 Those Who Remained Having survived the camps, 42-year-old Aldo lives a solitary life as a doctor in Budapest. Sixteen-year-old Klara lives reluctantly with her great-aunt, holding on to hope that her father and mother will return. She meets Aldo, and soon the two of them find something in each other that has long been absent in their lives. As they grow closer and closer, the joy in both of their lives slowly returns. But as the Soviet Empire rises to power in Hungary, their pure and loving father-daughter relationship is misunderstood and frowned upon. A lyrical story of the healing power of love in the midst of conflict, loss and trauma, Those Who Remained reveals the healing process of Holocaust survivors through the eyes of a young girl in post-World War II Hungary. "Exquisite! The most surprising performance (of Telluride)—not just surprising but inexplicably beautiful—was that of Abigél Szõke in Those Who Remained. I do love it when, to cite the modest yet magical case of Those Who Remained, whole lives, including ours, can be changed in less than an hour and a half. " - Joe Morgenstern, The Wall Street Journal "Terrific! A finely-tuned post-Holocaust tale that is quite compelling. Made and acted with unemphatic precision, this marks Tóth as a talent to watch. " - Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter "Remarkable! A film suffused with sensitivity and humanity, demonstrating a talent for elegant and classical direction which turns its back on the ostentatious and the overly dramatic, favouring instead the subtle and positive variations of the dance of life. " - Fabien Lemercier, Cineuropa Official Selection - Telluride Film Festival 2019 Official Selection, Best International Feature Film (Hungary) - Academy Awards 2020 Cast Károly Hajduk, Abigél Szõke, Mari Nagy, Katalin Simkó, Barnabás Horkay.
Még ha akármilyen tisztességes is, a kötelező tananyagot fel kellett mondani. “The reason why the manor is so controversial is because nobody is saying what’s actually happening in here and that’s out of respect for the manor and myself and what we’re trying to produce here. If the people who go through the haunt want to spill all the beans and say everything that happens, they certainly could but they don’t and that makes the haters crazy because they don’t know what’s happening. That’s why you hear all the insane rumors because they’re just making things up in their mind of what is happening. ” - Russ McKamey What is McKamey Manor? McKamey Manor, founded by Russ McKamey, is known as the most extreme “haunted attraction” in the United States. However, what separates this attraction from the rest is the fact that there are no zombies or ghosts. Rather, there are actors who are legally allowed to bind you, gag you, and push you to your mental and physical limitations. Of course, the experience isn’t for the average person. To even get the chance to experience the Manor, you would be required to be at least 21 years of age (or 18 with parent’s permission), pass a physical exam, a background check, and a drug test. The tour, which operates year-round and can last up to 10 hours, offers participants the chance to earn $20, 000 upon full completion. According to McKamey, not a single participant has ever successfully endured the full 10 hours. McKamey Manor, which originated in San Diego, California, permits just a handful of patrons to enter each weekend. There is no entrance fee, though McKamey asks that participants donate a bag of dog food upon their arrival. Besides meeting the necessary qualifications, McKamey requires that his participants refrain from swearing and physically engaging with the actors. Violation of these rules would be grounds for subsequently ending the tour. McKamey Manor, now based in Summertown, Tennessee, and Huntsville, Alabama, bills itself as “an audience participation event in which YOU will live your own horror movie. ” However, others describe it as a “torture chamber. ” McKamey Manor has received criticism from the public, the “haunt” industry, and even some participants. Critics have branded McKamey a “psychopath” who found a “legal loophole” to fulfill his sadistic tendencies. Frequently asked questions range from “Is this legal? ” to “Is this a hoax? ” McKamey assures the public that not only is the attraction 100% within its legal rights of operating, it is also not a hoax. Waiver If all goes to plan, prospective participants are required to sign a 40-page waiver prior to the tour. The waiver asks that the participant understands and agrees to: “19. Participant was warned numerous times about the intensity of MM and by the Owners and other members of the crew that YOU REALLY DON’T WANT TO DO THIS. ” “20. Participant agrees and understands that your life in reality is not in danger and this is just a game. ” ”21. Participant agrees and understands that during the Tour and Participant is in the van, they will not be secured by a seatbelt or other safety device. ” “22. Participant understands and agrees that they are not being tortured and this is just a game. ” “23. Participant understands and agrees that they are not being beat up, kicked, slugged, or actually physically harmed. You will be roughed up but no one is there to hurt you. Knowing that, MM is very rough and not for the meek. Participant will have bumps, bruises, possible black eyes, swelling of the face, etc. ” “24. Participant understands and agrees that they are never being held against their will. ” The waiver continues to stress that the experience is just “a game” several times. By number 28, the waiver starts to detail what the participant may be subjected to: “28. Participant fully understands that by signing this waiver that they are giving MM permission to keep nothing off the table (except sexual or inappropriate situations). Everything else imaginable can and will happen inside of MM. You are aware of this and are giving full permission for any action that may happen inside of MM. ” “29. Participant agrees to and has full knowledge that if selected to visit the barber, Participant may leave MM completely bald, including eyebrows. ” “30. Participant agrees and knowledges that mousetraps are used within the Tour which may result in bruising, cutting, or breakage of fingers. ” “31. Participant agrees that if selected, they could be buried alive under 12 feet of dirt and rock to which they will have a limited amount of air and that they will have to figure out how to escape and they could possibly breathe in a significant amount of dust, dirt, or foreign objects that may cause death if Participant does not breathe properly or hold their breath at the right time. ” “32. Participant agrees to partake, if selected to participate, in a height stunt that involves walking a plank 25 feet above ground without a safety net. ” “33. Participant agrees that if selected they will come in contact with a variety of live poisonous animals. It is the Participant’s responsibility to not panic or agitate the animals. If Participant is bitten, it is because the Participant made a sudden movement within a confined secured environment. ” The waiver continues for several more pages, the intensity increasing with each page. Consenting Participants or Victims? One San Diego participant, Amy Milligan, says that experience was more than “just a game. ” According to Milligan, she suffered several injuries beyond “cuts and bruises. ” Milligan was waterboarded during her tour. Milligan claims that, while exclaiming she could not breathe, actors laughed while they continued to waterboard her. “My hair is wrapping around my neck and I start freaking out. I’m telling them I can't breathe and they’re just laughing and doing it more. ” Despite the “traumatic” experience, Mulligan spoke highly of the tour during her exit interview, going as far as adding that she did not feel like she had been “tortured” and treated it “as a game. ” However, Mulligan claims that the only reason she left a positive review was to ensure that McKamey would upload the footage of her tour to YouTube. Mulligan had intended to use the footage as evidence of her excessive abuse. However, Mulligan found herself disappointed when she watched the video. According to Mulligan, the most distressing portion of her tour had been edited out of the footage. In an interview, Mulligan says that she begged to go home but was forced to continue to tour. “I’m like ‘I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I need to go home let me out, let me out, ’ and they’re like ‘you’re not done. ’” Mulligan adds, “[They] shoved my head back in the water and I was like, ‘They’re not going to let me out. I’m going to die in here. ’” Another San Diego participant, Laura Hertz Brotherton, shares a story similar to that of Mulligan’s. Like Mulligan, Brotherton left the tour with more than just cuts and bruises. Prior to Brotherton’s scheduled tour, McKamey sent Brotherton tasks that she would have to complete in order to prove her loyalty to McKamey. Brotherton was required to purchase an adult onesie that she would wear on her tour and videotape her visit to a nearby Halloween store. Brotherton described her initial interactions with McKamey as “fun, ” and was looking forward to the day of her tour. McKamey instructed that Brotherton upload her assignments to Facebook. While navigating McKamey Manor’s Facebook page, Brotherton became romantically involved with another fan on the other side of the country, despite the fact that they were both in, albeit estranged, relationships. To Brotherton’s surprise, her affair had struck a nerve with McKamey. So much so that upon Brotherton’s arrival to the Manor on October 23, 2016, McKamey publicly exposed Brotherton, who was in the company of her boyfriend. While Brotherton’s boyfriend was aware of the affair, her online partner’s wife was not aware. According to Brotherton, McKamey was cold to her for the remainder of the tour. Despite that Brotherton had just been humiliated, she was determined to power through. Brotherton had traveled to San Diego from Colorado and felt that it was too late to turn back. According to Brotherton, her experience was more extreme in comparison to others. Brotherton believes that McKamey was particularly harder on her. Brotherton believes that McKamey’s knowledge of her affair factored into the excessive abuse, noting that he appeared to be “personally offended” by it. Speaking of her experience, Brotherton says, “I was waterboarded, I was tased, I was whipped. I still have scars of everything they did to me. I was repeatedly hit in my face, over and over and over again. Like, open-handed, as hard as a man could hit a woman in her face…” More graphically, Brotherton adds that she was blindfolded with duct tape and submerged underwater by her ankles. According to Brotherton, she was submerged underwater for so long that her body started involuntarily thrashing. Brotherton was later forced to dig a hole in dirt with nothing other than her bare hands. Brotherton was then forced to lie in the fresh hole while they covered her and her face with dirt, giving her only a straw to breathe through. “[The dirt] started to go into my throat, and I started to swallow it. I’m coughing and I keep saying ‘I need water, ’ and they would just splash water in my face. That went on for, I want to say, 20 to 30 minutes. ” Brotherton repeated the safe word for several minutes before the actors finally relented. Like Mulligan, Brotherton had to record an exit video. In the video, Brotherton also spoke positively about her experience. Though according to Brotherton, it was because she was “forced” to. “Before Russ turned the camera on he said to me, if I do not say good things about McKamey Manor and I start telling what actually happened, he’s going to sue me for $50, 000. I signed a waiver saying this could happen. So Russ forced me into saying all these great things, like, ‘Oh my God, my tour was so amazing, it was exhilarating, ’ blah, blah, blah. ” After her experience, Brotherton went to the hospital but refused to tell the hospital staff who or what caused her injuries. As a result, the hospital staff called the police. Brotherton, however, was discharged and left before the police arrived. Brotherton says that she later worked up the courage to report the incident to the police, but was told that she didn’t have a criminal case because of the waiver she signed. Brotherton took photographs to document her injures. According to journalist Megan Seling, who interviewed Brotherton for her article, Tennessee's McKamey Manor: Torture on Demand, the nature of Brotherton’s injuries included: “In one photo, Brotherton is in a neck brace and a hospital gown and her face is markedly swollen. She has scrapes on her cheeks and a lump on her forehead, her lips are red and puffy, and there are small cuts at the corner of her mouth. In another image, you can see a large, bloody wound on Brotherton’s left knee. She says that’s an old surgery scar that opened up after McKamey’s actors cut off her knee pads and made her crawl on the ground. Her legs are covered in scratches, and there’s a large purple bruise on top of her left foot. There are also two pictures of her torso, showing large purple bruises that stretch across her hip and stomach. She says X-rays showed a hairline fracture in her foot, and the inside of her mouth was so scratched up from the hitting and “fish-hooking” (“Where they take their two fingers and they put them inside your mouth and they stretch your mouth open”) that the hospital sent her home with medical mouthwash, which she had to use every two hours for three days. ” According to Seling, McKamey didn’t deny Brotherton’s claims, though he did shed doubt on the fracture in her foot. McKamey also admitted to exposing her affair but claimed that it didn’t affect her tour in terms of increasing severity. Rather, according to McKamey, “Any personal information we have, we’ll use it against you in the tour. ” Towards the end of the article, Seling states, “Here’s the thing: There is no $20, 000. There’s no caiman named Ralphie, there’s no quicksand-like mud that will swallow you whole, and McKamey will certainly never slather your body in flame-retardant gel and lock you in an incinerator somewhere in Huntsville, Ala. None of that is real. ” McKamey himself commented on the article, suggesting that Seling reported her opinions rather than facts. The comment read, “Russ here, I'm posting this FB post here because I think it's worth mentioning. There really is only one part of your story that I have an issue with. Sure the way you went on and on about Laura B. without having the real facts was to be expected. Clearly if things happened the way you suggested in the piece... I would be in jail. I can assure you, Laura's tour was no tougher then other "Chamber" tours in San Diego. If you would have spoken to other contestants who have taken multiple tours (up to 5), including the same tour that Laura would have received a balanced take on the San Diego shows. I offered you their names, but you decided to go with the most salacious participant. The person who has been banned by all other extreme attractions. cause she causes trouble and she does not speak the truth. The bottom line Megan Seling is this. Why did you feel it was important to get one final (unsubstantiated), dig in at myself and the Manor. Would you top off a story about a magician or illusionist with a statement about what is real or nor real? But for some reason you felt it necessary to do so covering the MM story. It may have been understandable to include your final paragraph if for some reason you really felt inclined to complain because I wasn't giving away my secrets, but you did so much more then that. You left your readers with the impression that what you were saying was fact. And that's were I have a big issue with what you presented to your audience. You deceived your readers by presenting your "opinion" as a factual statement. You even admitted to other FB readers that you you knew what you did was going to upset me, but you went full steam ahead nonetheless. In hindsight, that's probably the effect you were looking for. As you and I both know, I called it from the first phone call and several hours working with you on your story, how you would eventually spin the article. And as usual in these cases deal with the media... I was correct. But let's get back to the actual statement you presented to your audience as opinion. You wrote the following: "Here’s the thing: There is no $20, 000. " That is not an 're stating this as fact. I would like to offer this challenge to you publicly here in your papers comment section. I have already done so numerous times as you're well aware. Because you're so keen on exploring what is real and not real at MCKAMEY MANOR, and because you're so inclined to make that the final impression of your story, I have a very simple way to bring this to a very exciting conclusion. All you have to do Megan is to actually take the tour. I would think as a professional journalist you would be more then happy to participate in this little adventure. If for no other reason just to get the actual facts correct. Unfortunately we all know you will never do that. Instead you'll sit behind your desk in the comfort of your safe space, writing about second hand information instead of actually seeking the truth from your own experience. I understand that there are those that are "participants" in the world, and others who simple watch from the sidelines. In your case I'm offering you a chance to actually become an active player and not just a computer warrior. If you would care to sign up for the tour, I'm pretty sure you would change your statement. What do you have to loose? Don't just toss opinions out as fact. Maybe you're absolutely correct that MCKAMEY MANOR in not real in the faintest, and that nothing is what it seems. My challenge to you is to be a real real journalist and find out the facts. Imagian the great story you would have, and I know your supporters would love to see you get away from your desk and safe space to show us all what MCKAMEY MANOR is real all about. Is MM just "Smoke and Mirrors, " or it it something much more exciting and magical. This would make an excellent follow on piece for your paper. Do you have what it takes Megan to actually find out the truth? If anyone would like to participate in the MM experience, please fill out the contact form at. Be advise you must be able to meet all basic requirements and you must provide a doctors letter stating your mentally and physically cleared to participate in our little adventure called MCKAMEY MANOR. And no matter what you may have read in this article, the chance to win 20, 000. 00 is absolutely real. Do I believe that will ever on your life ladies and gentlemen. MM is looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. One final note, I'm the most transparent individual you'll ever have the opportunity to meet. If anyone one of you reading this comment have any questions for me, feel free to call me directly at ( omitted by u/BubbaJoeJones). I will answer any and all ncerning anything. Thank you for reading my little rant:-). R/Russ McKamey” Questions and Theories Real, or Staged? McKamey, who is a fan of filmmaking and acting, uploads footage of participant’s tours to YouTube. Or, he used to. McKamey has since stopped uploading to YouTube, presumably because of backlash. However, McKamey hasn’t stopped uploading footage of the tours entirely. According to Facebook users who are in McKamey Manor’s private Facebook group, McKamey still privately uploads, and occasionally live streams, the tours. The tours, which resemble movies backed by professional editing, lighting, and props, raise questions as to whether or not what we’re seeing is staged. In one video, the footage shows three individuals reading the waiver aloud prior to signing. During the reading, McKamey repeats the Manor’s tagline, “You don’t really want to do this. ” While the individuals are attempting to read the waiver aloud, they are having their hair pulled out of their scalps, being smacked in the face, and being choked with rope rung around their necks. Footage later shows the individuals having their eyebrows and hair shaved off (and later being forced to eat it), including other sadistic acts such as having drills forced in their nose and mouth, being locked inside a freezer, and being forced to eat raw dead animals. These acts lead some people to theorize that it’s “just a movie” and that the participants themselves are actors. People speculate that not only what is shown on camera real, neither is the alleged waiting-list. According to McKamey, there is a waiting list totaling about 27, 000 prospective participants in 2015. However, there is no evidence to support the claim that there are 27, 000 prospective participants on the waiting list. There are also people who question the existence of the $20, 000 prize upon completion. According to McKamey’s comment, “the chance to win 20, 000. ” However, some people, including Seling, find it suspicious that nobody has ever been able to claim the prize. McKamey has said on record that though the prize exists, it’s “impossible” to attain. Though, as Seling pointed out, it’s not due to being unable to complete the tour in its entirety, it’s by design. According to some participants, McKamey decides when you’re through, even if you never withdrew your consent. As a result, despite what McKamey claimed, many believe there was no $20, 000 prize. How Does McKamey Afford it? One question that remains unanswered is how McKamey is able to fund the Manor. McKamey, who is a US Navy Veteran, does not profit off the Manor. As mentioned before, McKamey accepts his payment in the form of dog food, which is later donated to Operation Greyhound. Additionally, McKamey invested $500, 000 out of pocket into the establishment of the Manor in San Diego. According to McKamey, he was shelling out about $250-275 a night for an on-site EMT and somewhere between $15, 000-20, 000 per year on specialty insurance. McKamey estimates that it cost around $500 per haunt. How is/was this experience bankrolled? Theories and rumors have ranged from believing that McKamey sells the entirety of his footage on the Dark Web, to taking a cut from a betting pool who watches the live streams from Las Vegas. Though according to McKamey, he doesn’t profit off the Manor “at all. ” McKamey admitted to struggling financially after having lost his job as a Veteran’s Advocate. As a result, he found that he had to move the Manor where it would be more affordable. As a result, McKamey moved San Diego home and purchased property in Tennessee and Alabama. According to McKamey, his only source of income is his $800 monthly retirement check. Is it Legal? There has been some debate regarding the legality of operating McKamey Manor. As mentioned before, Brotherton reported the incident to the police and was told that there was nothing that can be done as she had signed a waiver. Moreover, the police were called to McKamey Manor on more than one occasion. According to Seling, police arrived to find one woman in a basement, shivering and bruised with duct tape over her mouth. When police asked the woman if the interaction was consensual, the woman said yes. Police had no option other than to leave. According to the Brent Cooper, District Attorney of Lawrence County, Tennessee, McKamey Manor is legal. Cooper says that as long as McKamey participants are there voluntarily, no crime is being committed. However, Cooper does add that a participant can withdraw consent in the state of Tennessee at any time. If McKamey were to disregard the withdrawal of consent, a participant would then be classified as a victim who is being held against their will. McKamey Manor Today McKamey Manor’s Tennessee location is, according to McKamey, far less physically involved than it was in San Diego. According to McKamey, the experience in Tennessee and Alabama is more of a “mental game. ” Rather than being physically tortured, the participant is manipulated into believing that torture is being inflicted upon them. In response to an online petition demanding that the alleged “torture chamber” be “shut down, ” McKamey clarified, “There’s no torture, there’s nothing like that, but under hypnosis if you make someone believe there’s something really scary going on, that’s just in their own mind and not reality. If you’re good enough and you’re able to get inside somebody’s noggin like the way that I can, I can make folks believe whatever I want them to believe. I’m like the most strait-laced guy you could think of, but here I run this crazy haunted house. And people twist it around in their little minds. It really is a magic act, what I do. It’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. ” However, that isn’t to say people escape the Manor unscathed. McKamey stands by the possibility that one may leave with cuts and bruises, as stated in the waiver. Despite people having attempted to shut down McKamey Manor by signing petitions and filing police reports, McKamey Manor is still operating year-round in Tennessee and Alabama. According to McKamey, some people have grown so defiant to his presence that they have sent death threats and shot through his windows. Out of the hundreds of threats that McKamey has received over the years, McKamey recalls the one time that he was involved in a potentially life-threatening incident. Shortly before McKamey moved to Tennessee, a single bullet flew by his head while he was working outside in his yard. However, McKamey never reported the alleged incident to the police, claiming that he didn’t want to bring any more attention to himself. Conclusion “I’m not going to open it to the masses–I like keeping it a secret. I like the mystery of the manor. If you saw everything it’d be like any other haunted house. That’s my goal, even when I’m dead and gone, to make sure people are still talking about McKamey Manor. That’s why nobody is really going to ever see behind the wall. ” - Russ McKamey To date, little is known about what took place at McKamey Manor in San Diego. Mulligan and Brotherton maintain that they were subjected to excessive abuse, despite that they signed the waiver. As McKamey said, many of his participants choose not to detail their experiences out of respect for maintaining the mystery of the manor. Thus, there are very few accounts available on people’s experiences at the Manor. Although McKamey claims that the Manor in Tennessee and Alabama is the most “toned-down version of the Manor ever, ” people continue to sign petitions in an attempt to shut the Manor down. Despite their efforts, McKamey says that he will continue to run the Manor as long as he is able to. Links: McKamey Manor An ‘extreme’ haunted house requires a 40-page waiver. Critics say it’s a torture chamber. San Diego terror attraction McKamey Manor runs into opposition at new Tennessee home 'There's a chance of death': Extreme haunted tour employee explains their terrifying 40-page waiver McKamey Manor 'victim' speaks out Terror attraction McKamey Manor is leaving San Diego for the south.
Akik itt maradtak teljes film magyarul. Végre egy meleg film ami nem halállal/drámával végződik. Nehéz film, amikor egy nàrcisztikus személyiség felemészt egy empatàt, csak remélni tudom, hogy ez vàlltozni fog a jövöben.Köszönöm a feltöltést. Akik maradtak oscar. Akik maradtak / those who remained.
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A wellplayed touching film. Good acting, Good subject, Good shooting. Recommended.
Osztályfőnöki óra keretében 14-15 éves kortól kötelezően levetíteném!Gratulálok az egész stábnak,remek film,remek rendezés, túlzások nélkü,hogy ilyen világban élünk és nagyon sok szülőnek halvány lila sejtése sincs arról mit csinál a gyermeke. Ez itt a gáz! Ajánlom mindenkinek.
Akik maradtak puskin.
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Istenem annyira vartam maaaaar😍😍😍😍. Szerintem a feliratos az jobb, nekem valahogy ezek a szinkronhangok nem jöttek be... Egyébként nagyon aranyos film <3.
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Deimadom ezt a filmet😍.
Köszönöm ezt a hatalmas élményt! A film nagyon jó volt, átadta azt amt szeretet volna. Szép volt, és egy teljesen másik szemszögből közelitette meg az eseményeket. Hisz már egy tonna olyan film van teritéken, hol az áldozat életét nézhettük meg, itt mégis forditottak a kockán. Egy mindennapos témát dolgoz fel, amihez úgy gondolom, sokan nem mernek nyúlni, vagy csak surolják a jéghegy csúcsát.
Saw it on premiere on september 24 at Budapest's Corvin Mozi.
Probably the most essential thing to know about this movie is that it was made for television in the first place and later they considered pushing it into the Oscars, for big screens, as they thought it has the potential to win something. It probably has that potential but I don't think that it would be because the movie is that good. maybe for the acting as it was quite strong from the two main protagonists, or for the screenplay. Oh and for the music, that is indeed Oscar-worthy for today's standards. But if for anything other than that. well, then I would smell something fishinness behind that.
So as a TV movie this picture is far better than great. It has a distinctive visual atmosphere with its gray fuminess and late, cold autumny colors, the cinematography is beyond adequate for such TV movie norma, the world the story plays in is really authentic, beholds many details that reflects those old times. The dialouges are clevelry written, they behold the realism but also some theatrical factor for dramatic purposes. The acting is top-notch from the main protagonists, they bring well detailed characteristics into their relationship by which we really hold their connection close to our hearts, but overall all the cast did a good job. The soundtrack has probably the most appeal for an award as it has that really almost-but-not-yet cheesiness that can easily win your ears over, but overall a very pleasant music to listen to, reminded me of Clint Mansell's previous works.
What the whole movie might fall short on is the world building that plays in the post-war dictaturic times. There are some snipets about the oppression they maintained on all these people lived in the post-war city, however, other than having some tricky questions from the "comrades" it never went further than that, it didn't fully bring the overall alienating effect it should have for the story/narrative. It was kinda like only a world building element in order to remind the auidence what times this plays in, never fully did anything more than that. And probably, the ending, which refers onto this dictature didn't feel that cathartic, because of that "only-world-building-element" reason.
Talking with others on premiere some people found the whole fast paced evolution of the protagoninst's relationship unconvincing and out of place, that it needed much deeper, elaborative, slower tendencies to go through. Personaly I had no issue with it at all. I found the relationship really natural and organic in its own way, it was indeed a connection that is not that easily achievable by anyone, but these two somehow had the luck to have a mostly healthy relationship that helped both of them in some ways to heal all the scars the war times brought onto them.
So. basicly, that's all I got to say about this movie. From TV movie standpoints I found it really solidly done, a nicely put together motion picture that is pleasant to watch. For Oscar worthy theatrical experience it might fall behind a bit as it has some lack of details and elaboratness, so - even though I have no respect for Oscars nowadays - I kinda feel this movie has only oscar-worthiness on a few, specific fields and even there there is always much bigger fishes to fight against on awards like this. Again, if it wins any award other than the music, acting, or (maybe) for screenplay then there is something fishy back there in Hollywood (but it's Hollywood, the Oscars, so there is more dirty business than anything else today.
Rating: 6.8/10.
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Újabb rókabőr, de semmi baj! Örökké jövedelmező téma. A nagyszüleim elszenvedték a vörösterrort, ezért SOHA nem járt kárpótlás, bezzeg nekik! Még az újabb-generációs túlélőknek is jár a mi adóforintjainkból.